Pelik Tapi Benar, 3 Gadis Ini Letakkan 'Kondon' Di Atas Muka Dalam Bas Awam, Lihat Apa Yang TERJADI Selepas 10 Minit Amat Mengejutkan!!!
Condom maker's marketing stunt puts condoms on women's faces on the subway
A group of Chinese women caused a stir during a Beijing subway ride this month when they unwrapped packets of condoms and placed them on their faces, arms and décolletage.
The women claimed they had chanced upon a new beauty hack, when horrified commuters started snapping pictures of them.
But they were just part of a promotional stunt from a Chinese condom maker, which wanted to market its new ultra-thin condoms.
According to the maker, DaXiang Condom China, the lubricant in its condoms is supposed to be good for your skin. However, there is no science to back up this claim.
After the commotion they caused on the train, the scantily clad women got off a few stops later and stood around the platform area carrying signs that said: "DaXiang face masks."
The marketing gimmick has been criticised by Chinese netizens for its poor taste.
One Weibo User commented on the DaXiang's page: "Today's people will do anything for money."
Many have also called upon authorities to fine the condom company for this "immoral act."
Pelik Tapi Benar, 3 Gadis Ini Letakkan 'Kondon' Di Atas Muka Dalam Bas Awam, Lihat Apa Yang TERJADI Selepas 10 Minit Amat Mengejutkan!!!
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